Impacts and Safety

After 640, 000 years when this volcano wakes up, changes will occur. This volcano will spew out enough ash and magma to change the world as we know it. The greatest concern for this volcano is the huge lake of molten magma located under the lush landscape of Yellowstone. As you probably now know the Yellowstone caldera is a super volcano, which means the potential destruction is many times greater than any other volcano. Few people would not survive in the zone immediately around the eruption beacues the volcanic gases and choking sulphur dioxide would burn the lungs of anyone caught near it. Sheltering homes nearby would not be safe because layers of heavy volcanic ash would eventually cause their roofs to collapse. If enough sulphuric acid were released and Yellowstone could emit 2,000 million tons of the acid then the equivalent of a "nuclear winter," would occur. This volcano is monitored by a GPS network.

~If this super volcano erupts in a huge explotion it could wipe out the entire western untited states and man kind would have a great struggle to survive.
It would be smart for people to live by the eastern border, so you wouldn't get hit by this volcano when it erupts.